
Start Setup End Setup
*/+/* */-/*
Data Bits Stop Bits
0 1 bit
1 2 bits
Parity Baud Rate
0 4800 3 38,400
1 9600 4 57,600
2 19,200 5 115,200
0 7 bits
1 8 bits
Channel Printer IP
Scan 2 digits 01 - 11 to set channel
Enter in the address in the format of
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (where each n is a value of 0-
9); or if you wish to use a DHCP Server, enter The terminal's default setting is to use
a DHCP Server.
Server IP Device IP
To use a fixed server IP address, enter the
IP address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (where each
n is a value of 0-9. The default setting in
the terminal is to search for the server
IP address,(a setting of
For future use.
Subnet Mask WEP Key
10 (short form) or 26 (long form) hex characters
- (0-F)
*.6.**/6/**.0.* */4/**/G/*
0 None
2 Odd
Enter 12 digits in the format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
You must enter the . character as well as the
numbers. The default is
SSID Authentication
To restrict the terminal to a specific
network name, enter the name here (up to
32 chs). The default setting is NONE. You
will need to change it to sign on to your
network. SSID is case-sensitive; if you want
an SSID with lower case characters, use
Shift F2 to go into lower case or you will
have to scan the Full ASCII Menu.
0 Open System
1 Shared Key
Before a wireless client device can
communicate on a network, it must authenticate
to the access point and the network. You must
enter a WEP Encryption key to access the
Authentication settings.