sunlight. The laser can be outputted as a brighter dot for a few seconds,
allowing the user to place the dot in the middle of the bar code; then the
laser beam starts sweeping for the read. As shipped, the laser beam
never forms an aiming dot, but you can program a number of seconds
that you wish the aiming dot to appear before the sweeping beam by
scanning the following:
From the Keypad, go to RF Terminal Setup. Choose “Other”. Press
Enter repeatedly until you get to the parameter labeled “AIMING
DOT”. The default is 00. Enter the time in 1/10s of a second you wish
the dot to appear before the laser beam spreads, (i.e. enter 30 for 3
"Difficult Code 39 Reading":
This setting facilitates reading of difficult Code 39 bar codes such as
the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN number) on automobiles,
especially reading through a windshield. VIN numbers are long, often
weathered, often dirty, and challenging to read.
To enable the more aggressive Code 39 algorithms necessary to read
windshield VINs with a LZ400:
Scan Start Setup
Scan 2 of 5 Code
Scan D for windshield reading
Scan End Setup
To return to the default Code 39 decode algorithms, scan B instead
of D.
Don’ forget the common sense things you can do to facilitate reading
the VIN:
1. Be sure the window on the laser scanner is clean.
2. Be sure the windshield itself is wiped clean before