When you press the W key for a WiFi radio firmware radio update, you
will next see the prompt:
Enter Firmware Rev.
Number (3 digits)
Now, assuming the firmware can be found, the update will proceed. If
the firmware can't be found, you will get an error message displayed
and be transferred back to the previous menu.
Serial Firmware Download for a Terminal
The RF Terminal firmware can also be upgraded by downloading a file
with the current firmware into the RF Terminal's flash EPROM using
the RF Terminal EPROM Loader Windows program found on the 802
Terminal Utilities Disk. However, you will need a Worth Data F36
Serial cable to perform the download.
Download the firmware into the R/F Terminal by following the
instructions on the screens of the program for a normal Terminal
firmware update.
The normal firmware update is done through RF. If there is some bug
in the RF communication there is a failsafe firmware download through
the serial port using an F36 Serial Cable.
Failsafe Firmware Download for a Terminal
If the firmware gets completely wiped out, you will get a blank screen
or a blank screen with a cursor in the upper left. There is a failsafe
download still possible, but you will need to open up the RF Terminal
case and move a jumper to the FDL position as shown below.
After moving the jumper, reassemble the case, plug the power into the
RF Terminal, and connect the F36 Serial Cable to the host computer
and proceed to download firmware using the 802 RF Terminal EPROM
Loader program. Specify a failsafe terminal firmware update and
follow the program's directions.