The location of a form element on a page is specified in terms of its horizontal and vertical displacement from the form origin. The units of measurement used to define this displacement can be any of the following:
·Linear unitsÐinches or centimeters
·DotsÐ300 per inch
·XdotsÐ600 per inch
·cpi and lpiÐcharacters per inch horizontally and lines per inch vertically.
x and y coordinates
The y coordinate describes the vertical position on a grid. The x coordinate describes the horizontal position. When both coordinates are given together, the y coordinate is always specified first.
If you draw a horizontal and a vertical line through the form origin to create x and y coordinates, you would express the location of the form origin as y=0, x=0.
If you draw more lines to mark horizontal and vertical measurements away from the form origin so that the lines were one unit of measurement apart, you create a grid like the one shown in figure
Figure 1-11. Form grid
Form origin (y=0,x=0)
Character cell origin at (y=2,x=1)
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