A.FDL command syntax summary
This appendix contains an alphabetized summary of the Forms Description Language (FDL) commands syntax described in this guide.
The conventions and definitions used to describe the commands are shown in table
| Table | FDL command syntax conventions |
Syntax | Meaning |
| |
UPPERCASE BOLD BLUE | Required words (keywords*) in the command syntax appear in | |
| uppercase bold blue. | |
| |
... | Ellipses indicate that you can repeat a parameter option, or list a | |
| series of parameter options. | |
| |
Lowercase black italics | Word, character, or phrase, (variable information) in lowercase | |
| black italic to be replaced by a value. | |
| |
UPPERCASE BLUE ITALIC | Optional required words (keywords) in the command syntax | |
| appear in uppercase blue italic. | |
| |
| The carat character represents a required space. | |
| |
| * Keywords may be abbreviated to the first three characters | |
| (except for FMTn). Refer to the ªSyntax ambiguitiesº section | |
| in the ªTroubleshootingº chapter. |
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDE |