The GRID command, when specified in number of dots, allows a greater flexibility than more conventional methods of specifying the grid. For example, instead of being limited to two decimal places of accuracy when specifying inches or centimeters, the grid can be specified to the dot. This feature also eliminates any errors caused by rounding.
If the GRID command specifies explicit unit parameters and no ORIGIN is specified, the form origin coincides with the virtual page origin.
Grid unit dimensions may be overridden by the BOX, LINE, LOGO, and TEXT commands. Multiple GRID commands may be used within a set of FDL commands. A GRID command remains in effect until another is encountered.
Reference For illustrations of how virtual page and form origin are determined, see the ªCommand examplesº appendix.
| Identifies the character sets used when creating and printing |
| forms data and variable data. |
Syntax | FONTS id1 id2 id3...id32j; |
Parameter options | id |
| Identifier of the standard or custom font you want to use. |
| Multiple ids are separated by either a blank or a comma. |
Example | FONTS UN106A,UN104C,UN114A; |
Considerations | Fonts must be selected using the FONT command before text |
| can be specified. FONT can be used only once. |
| When specifying multiple fonts, make sure that you enter the |
| correct font in the font list. When an invalid font is encountered, |
| compilation is suspended, and an FRM file is not produced. |
| There are three possible cases for a ªfont not foundº error: |
| · The font does not exist on the system disk, and the message |
| .FRM file is created. |
| · There is no such font index. For example, the FONTS |
| command contains two font IDs and the user specifies TEXT |
| USI FON 3... This generates an ***INVALID FONT INDEX |
| message, and an .FRM file is created with the text printed |
| using FONT 1. |
| · No font index is specified in the TEXT command. For |
| example, TEXT AT 1 1 TEXT MESSAGE will print with the last |
| used font. If this is the first time the text has been used, FDL |
| will default to FONT 1. |
| The number of fonts that can be specified depends on their size, |
| the number of fonts used in the variable data, and the size of |
| font memory in your system. However, the maximum number of |
| fonts and logos allowed per form by the forms compiler is 32. |
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDE |