The Song Voice Mode
● Mute/SoloThe Mute/Solo (“M/S”) parameters below each track num-
ber in the VOICE mode mixer display can be used to mute (turn
off) or solo (only that track will be monitored) the corresponding
track. Move the cursor to the appropriate M/S parameter, then
use the [-1] button to alternately mute or un-mute that track, or
use the [+1] button to alternately solo or un-solo the track. Any
number of tracks can be muted and/or soloed at a time. To solo
more than one track at a time hold the [SHIFT] button while solo-
ing additional tracks after the first solo track has been specified.
Also hold the [SHIFT] button while un-soloing a single track when
multiple tracks are soloed (un-soloing a single track without hold-
ing the [SHIFT] button will un-solo all soloed tracks).
The letter “M” appears below the number of tracks that
are muted, and the letter “S” appears when a track is soloed.
• The mute function is a handy way to simply turn tracks that you don’t
want to hear off. When recording, they also make it easy to mute a
“busy” track or several tracks that might make it difficult to hear an
important track.
• Solo monitoring is a great way to isolate a track or two when you want
to concentrate on the sound while, for example, making delicate adjust-
ments to effects or other parameters that might get “swamped” by the
sound from other tracks. It’s also handy for listening for small mistakes
that you might otherwise overlook.
• These same parameters also appear in the main SONG display. A track
that is muted or soloed in the main SONG display will also appear muted
or soloed in the voice mode mixer display, and vice-versa.
Solo (use the [+1]
Mute (use the [-1]