The Pattern Jobs
After setting the parameters as required press [ENTER] to execute
the Extract Event job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while
the data is being processed, then “Completed !” will appear briefly when
the job is done. Press the [EXIT] button to return to the job list, or a mode
button to go directly to the selected mode.
NOTE Note events.
PC Program change events.
PB Pitch bend events.
CC Control change events. When this event type is selected a control
change number parameter appears to the right of the even type. The
control change parameter determines the MIDI control change num-
ber(s) to be extracted: “000” … “127” or “All”.
CAT Channel aftertouch events.
PAT Polyphonic aftertouch events.
EXC Exclusive events.
• Although you can remove events individually in the edit mode (page 216), the Extract
Event job makes it simple to remove all occurences of the specified event within the
specified measure range in one operation. This is particularly convenient when
removing slow pitch bends or volume changes that may employ many individual
events to create a single effect.
• If the destination track already contains data, the extracted event data will be