Cutoff frequency:
Filters work by allowing the portion of the sig-
nal lower than a given frequency to pass, and
cutting the portion of the signal above that
frequency. This frequency is referred to as
the cutoff frequency. See the entry for Low
Pass Filter.
DDecay time:
The time from when the maximum volume of
a note is reached until it falls to the sustain
An effect that delays an audio signal. The
QY100’s Variation effect allows a delay to be
The amount or degree of a setting or effect.
Drum table remapping:
One of the play effect functions. This function
allows you to change specified rhythm instru-
ments in the drum play data to other rhythm
instruments when a song or pattern is played
Dry sound:
The audio signal that is not processed by an
effect. Normally when using an effect, not all
of the audio signal is passed through the
effect. Rather, the degree of the effect is
adjusted by mixing the sound that passes
through the effect (the wet sound) with the
sound that bypasses the effect (the dry
sound). See also the entry for Wet sound.
EEcho back:
The action or process in which data received
via the MIDI IN connector is re-transmitted
from the MIDI OUT connector.
The action of modifying or editing data.
A block that processes the sound to add vari-
ous effects. The QY100 provides two system
effects (reverb and chorus), and one effect
(variation) which can either be used as a sys-
tem effect or as an insertion effect.
A block within the AWM2 tone generator that
generates a sound. The voices of the QY100
consist of 1 or 2 elements. Voices that use 2
elements generally have a thicker sound that
cannot be achieved when using 1 element.
With 2 elements different voices such as
piano and strings sounds can be mixed into a
single voice.
Envelope generator (EG):
A block that modifies the level of the tone
generator from the moment that a note is
played until the sound decays to silence.
A single piece (such as Note On/Off or Pro-
gram Change messages) of the data which
makes up a sequence.
See the entry for System Exclusive Message.
A MIDI control change message used to con-
trol the volume of a part (track).
A block which modifies the tone by cutting
the output of a specific frequency portion of
the sound. The QY100 has low pass filters
allowing the tone to be made more mellow
by cutting the overtones above a specified
frequency, or brighter by allowing them to
pass. See also the entry for Low pass filter.
Fingered chord:
A function that automatically detects chords
based on the combination of notes that are
played on the keyboard, and converts the
playback of patterns to the chords that are