QY100 System Overview: What It Is and What It Does
Yamaha is famous for the quality of its reverb and other effects, and
the QY100 is no exception. The built-in effect system provides top-quality
reverb, chorus, and variation effects (including modulation and distortion)
that you can use to refine and polish your sound. Each sequencer track has
individual send controls for the reverb, chorus, and variation effect stages,
so you can apply effects separately to each track as required. A complete
list of the QY100 effects is provided in the separate Data List booklet.
With the QY100’s own micro keyboard you can create sequences
anywhere. But you can connect just about any type of the MIDI controller
— keyboard, MIDI wind controller, MIDI guitar, etc. — to the QY100 to give
you the type of control that best suits your style and talents.
As the name suggests, the QY100 “Amp Simulator” simulates the
characteristics of amplifiers — specifically guitar amplifiers and microphone
preamplifiers. Although the requirements for a good microphone preampli-
fier are pretty straightforward — high gain with flat frequency response as
well as low noise and distortion — guitar amplifiers are a little more com-
plex. Each guitar amp has its own unique sound, and the emphasis is gen-
erally on musicality rather than accuracy. The QY100 Amp Simulator
performs both functions quite well, and it offers a range of top-quality
effects for use with guitar and microphone. The guitar setups feature over-
drive/distortion, modulation and reverb. The microphone setups offer delay,
modulation and reverb. The QY100 has 18 guitar setups and 5 microphone
setups that you can customize to create the perfect sound for your music.
EffectsControllerAmp Simulator