Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Instant Accompaniment
Two Methods To Select Sections
There are two ways to select the section you want to play:
Method 1: Move the cursor to the section name at the bottom
of the display and use the [-1] and [+1] buttons or SHIFT-Num-
ber entry method (page 34) to select a section.
Method 2: Simply press the key on the mini-keyboard corre-
sponding to the section you want to select (note that the 7
left-most white keys on the mini keyboard have the names of
the sections printed below them). The mini-keyboard method
will only work while the cursor is located within the style and
section selection area of the display.
Either method you choose, when a different section is selected
while the style is playing, the newly selected section will begin
playing from the top of the next measure. NEXT will appear
before the newly-selected section name until it actually begins
When the INTRO, FILL AB or FILL BA section is selected while
the style is playing, it will play through once and then playback will
automatically return to the MAIN A or MAIN B section; INTRO is