Guided Tour
Guided Tour
For Singers: Cool Vocal Processing
To edit a parameter:
zMove the Cursor to the Parameter You Want to EditUse the cursor buttons to highlight the desired parameter
value. Since not all of the parameters fit on one display page,
you’ll have to scroll down below the bottom of the first page to
see the parameters in the second page.
xAdjust the Parameter ValueUse the [-1] and [+1] buttons or the SHIFT-Number entry
method (see page 34. However, this method is not available for
some parameters.) to adjust as necessary. In addition to the
numeric parameter value, each parameter also has a graphic level
control located between the parameter name and value which
provides a convenient visual reference to relative parameter set-
• Any changes you make to the parameters will be retained for each setup
even if you select a different preset or turn the QY100 off. You can indi-
vidually restore the initial settings for each setup by using the “INITIAL-
IZE” function: After selecting the setup you want to initialize, press the
[MENU] button and then the function button next to “Initialize” on the
display. Then when the “Initialize” display appears press the [ENTER]
button to initialize all parameters of the selected setup. When initializa-
tion is complete press the [EXIT] button to return to the Amp Simulator
Parameter page 2
On/Off parameter
Chorus block
Reverb block