An acronym for Musical Instruments Digital
Interface, a standard for transferring data
between musical instruments. Most elec-
tronic musical instruments today implement
the MIDI specification and provide MIDI con-
nectors. Such instruments can be easily con-
nected together to create remote
performance or automatic performance sys-
MIDI Data Filer:
A MIDI device that receives bulk data for the
internal settings of a MIDI device in the form
of System Exclusive messages, and stores
them to disk. An example is the Yamaha
MDF3 MIDI data filer.
On the QY100, the display page in which you
can make settings such as, pan, volume, etc.
for the voice of each song or pattern track,
when playing back.
A function that can be used to change the vol-
ume, tone, or pitch cyclically while you per-
form. On the QY100, you can apply
modulation by holding the [OCT UP] button
while playing a note on the micro keyboard.
An acronym for Most Significant Byte, refer-
ring to the upper byte of data when MIDI con-
trol change data is divided into two bytes for
Multi-timbral tone generator:
A tone generator that can simultaneously pro-
duce more than one voice.
A function that temporarily silences the speci-
fied track or reduces its volume.
An acronym for Non Registered Parameter
Number. These are a type of MIDI control
change message, and are used to edit sounds
via MIDI, allowing you to edit filter or EG set-
tings, or adjust the pitch or level for each
instrument of a drum voice.
A function that lets you specify a root note for
the bass independently of the chord, so that
the playback of a bass phrase whose Phrase
Type is Bass will be fixed on that root note.
A method of real-time recording in which new
material is recorded without erasing previ-
ously recorded tracks.
The parameter that sets the stereo location of
a sound when it is played back in stereo.
(“Pan” or “panpot” are abbreviations of “pan-
oramic potentiometer”.)
A setting or data item which you can modify
in the various mode and sub-mode displays.
An assignment of phrases for each track to
create patterns.
An auto accompaniment pattern consisting of
drums, bass and chord backing.
Pattern track (Pt):
The track which records and plays back pat-
tern data.
The smallest unit from which the accompani-
ment pattern is created. A phrase, such as
drum phrase, bass phrase, etc., can be
assigned to one of the 8 tracks of the pattern.
Phrase category:
A classification of phrases that are catego-
rized by instruments and performance styles.