Step Sequencer Track Recording
The Step Mode Function buttons
The four function buttons immediately to the right of the
display provide acces to a number of handy functions in the
step record mode. The “del” (delete) button deletes the
note or chord at the note pointer. The “Bdl” (back delete)
button moves the note pointer backward by the currently
selected note length and deletes the note at that position.
The “rst” (rest) button enters a rest of the currently
selected note length at the note pointer position. And the
“tie” button lengthens the previously entered note by
“tying” another note of the same length (specified by the
STEP parameter) and pitch to it. The “tie” button only
works immediately after entering a note.
The Measure/Beat/Clock Display
The “Meas” area of the step record display shows the cur-
rent position of the note pointer in measures, beats, and
clocks (there are 480 clocks per 1/4 note). If you’re not sure
what measure you’re seeing on the note display while
recording, check the measure/beat/clock display.
You can move the note pointer to any measure by moving
the cursor to the measure number and entering the value
with the [-1] and [+1] buttons or the SHIFT-Number entry
method (page 34).