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The printhead is the most critical component in your printer, and possibly the most delicate. It is a consumable item just like the brakes on your car, which eventually wears over time. However, with ongoing careful attention and maintenance, you can extend the life of the printhead!

Below are photographs of three printheads. The first printhead is brand new. The second has printed over 1 million linear inches of thermal transfer labels and has been properly maintained. The third printhead has printed far fewer labels, but without proper care and maintenance, signs of abrasion and contamination build-up are evident.


Over 1 Million Inches

Less Than 1 Million Inches


(Properly Maintained)

(Without Proper Care)


For optimum performance, clean the printhead regularly after every roll of thermal transfer ribbon or after every roll of direct thermal labels. Take care when handling or cleaning the printhead by removing any jewelry that may scratch the printhead and use a grounding strap or anti-static mat to discharge static electricity that could damage the printhead.

To start, only use the pre-soaked (isopropyl alcohol) cleaning swabs provided in the preventive maintenance kit. First, turn off the printer and open the printhead. Lightly blow or brush away any loose dust and lint particles within the print mechanism (i.e., rollers, media/ribbon sensors, and printhead). NEVER use any hard, metallic, or abrasive objects — such as a screwdriver — to remove adhesives or other contaminants that may have built up on the printhead.


Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide

Page 66
Image 66
Zebra Technologies Z6M manual Kdoohqjh, 3UHYHQWLYH0DLQWHQDQFH