Prestige 641 ADSL Internet Access Router
6.4.1 IPX Remote Node Setup
Follow the procedure in Chapter 5 to configure the
Step 1. In Menu 11.1, make sure IPX is among the protocols in the Route field. (The Route field should display Route = IPX or Route = IP + IPX.)
Step 2. Move the cursor to the Edit IP/IPX/Bridge field, then press the space bar to select Yes and press [Enter] to open Menu 11.3 - Network Layer Options.
Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options
VPI #= 1 | Rem LAN Net #= 00000000 |
VCI #= 1 | My WAN Net #= 00000000 |
IP Options: | Hop Count= 1 |
IP Address Assignment= Static | Tick Count= 2 |
Rem IP Addr: |
Rem Subnet Mask= N/A | Bridge Options: |
My WAN Addr= N/A | Ethernet Addr Timeout(min)= N/A |
Single User Account= N/A |
Metric= N/A |
Private= N/A |
RIP Direction= N/A |
Version= N/A |
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:
Figure 6-5 Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Novell IPX Options (for LLC-based multiplexing)
IPX Configuration |