Real time Transport Protocol (RTP) 142 redirect server, SIP 142
region selection, phone 163
registration product 8
related documentation 35 relay to PSTN line 172
remote management 219 and LAN 219
and NAT 219
and WAN 219
configuration 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226 DNS 226
FTP 221 interfaces 219 limits 219 priority 219 protocols 219 secured client 225 security 226 services 219 session limits 219
SNMP 222, 223, 224, 225 system timeout 220 Telnet 220 troubleshooting 273
required bandwidth, and VoIP 144 resetting to factory defaults 45 respond to ping, disable 226 restart 265, 269
restore configuration 265, 267, 268 restrict web features 198
RFC 1305 249
RFC 867 249
RFC 868 249
RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 113, 119 Roadrunner 109
root class, bandwidth management 214 router features 38
RTP (Real time Transport Protocol) 142 rules for incoming calls 165
safety warnings 6 Scheduler 212
bandwidth management 207
alert settings 251
and remote management 226 and UPnP 229
content filtering 197 firewall 189
stateful inspection 189 security and wireless networks 89 security guidelines 190 services 131, 327
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), See SIP 139 silence suppression, phone feature 155, 285 silent packets, and VAD 155
SIP account 147
account assignments 159, 160 accounts 139
advanced server settings 150 advanced settings 148
call progression 140 client 140
client server 140 identities 139 numbers 139 phone book 165 proxy server 141 redirect server 142 register server 142 server 147 servers 140 service domain 140 settings 67, 146 speed dial 167 troubleshooting 280
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 139 user agent 141
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) 139 SIP ALG 133
SIP Application Layer Gateway, See also SIP ALG 133
remote management 222, 223, 224, 225 traps 224
versions supported 222 solving problems with device 271 sound quality, and VoIP 144 specification tables 283
Index | 335 |