Chapter 3 Installing Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration
Before You Install
Setting the Core Service Parameters
Step 1 Click MCU on the sidebar and click the Services tab.
Step 2 Click the Add button.
The Select Service dialog box appears.
Step 3 To create a new service, click OK.
The Add Service dialog box appears.
Step 4 In the “Service prefix” field, enter the value that you want to use for the Cisco MeetingPlace service.
Step 5 Uncheck the SCCP Service check box. Users of SCCP endpoints can still attend Cisco MeetingPlace conferences.
Step 6 In the “Service description,” enter the description for this service that you want to appear on the Create Conference page.
Step 7 In the “Media types” section, check Video.
Note Cisco MeetingPlace provides data collaboration in conferences. Disable data collaboration in the Cisco IPVC MCU if it is currently enabled.
Step 8 Specify the number of ports that you want the Cisco IPVC MCU to reserve for each conference as follows:
a.In the “Reserved number of parties” field, enter 2.
Note One of these ports is reserved for the Cisco MeetingPlace server.
Tip You can ascertain the maximum number of ports this service can support by entering 200 in the “Maximum number of parties” field and choosing OK at the bottom of the page. The error message that appears indicates the maximum number of ports the current configuration allows based on the video bandwidth value specified in the Conference Views section.
b.In the “Maximum number of parties” field, enter the total number of Cisco IPVC MCU ports that are available for conferences.
Setting Audio Indications
We recommend that you enable all
Step 1 Click the Indications button.
The Indications Settings dialog box appears.
Step 2 Make sure that all parameters are checked.
Step 3 Click OK.
Administrator’s Guide for Cisco MeetingPlace Video Integration Release 5.3
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