Appendix J Troubleshooting
J.10.4 Equipment Management Problems
J.10.4.2 Network Setup and Configuration Required for OOEMC
The EM requires network setup and CTM configuration prerequisites before it can start the
•Use the dsptrapmgr CLI command to verify that the CTM IP address has been added to the trap manager. If your CTM IP address is not registered with the switch, add the CTM IP address to the trap manager by entering the addtrapmgr <cwm_ip> 2500 CLI command, where 2500 is the port number and cwm_ip is the IP address of your CTM machine. You might need to delete other IP addresses from the trap manager list if the list is full. If the list is not full, the registration takes place automatically if CTM is configured to manage the node.
•The trap IP should have been configured on the switch properly. Whenever you configure the switch to use any IP (atm0 IP or lnPci0 IP) of the switch as primary IP, the topology component of CTM should use that IP for node discovery. You can display the primary and secondary IP information of the switch by typing the CLI command dspndparms. To configure the primary and secondary IP addresses, you can enter cnfndparms and the CLI will prompt you for options. After you have set up the primary and secondary IP addresses, you should also configure the primary IP as trap IP on the switch by entering the CLI command cnftrapip configured_IP, where configured_IP is the IP that you have chosen to use as the primary IP in the CLI command cnfndparms.
•On CTM, the following is a list of configurable parameters in the file /opt/svplus/config/emd.conf of your CTM machine that you should set up for proper problem logging:
–"OODebug": For debugging purposes, this parameter should be set to level 6 or above; for example, the log level statement in emd.conf should be "OODebug Level 6."
–"OOKeep": For debugging purposes, this parameter should be set to a value depending on how many log files you want to keep; for example, the statement in emd.conf should be "OOKeep 100 ooemc log files per oochild."
Note Sometimes, a different network environment requires other parameters in the same files to be tuned for correct functioning of CTM.
J.10.4.3 Node Mode Remains in 1
The node has been discovered by the network topology process in CTM, its node mode has been changed from
Step 1 If CTM stays in mode 1 for a long time after CTM core has been started, you need to check the trap manager on the switch. See J.10.4.2 Network Setup and Configuration Required for OOEMC
Step 2 If step 1 is not an issue, then check for rtm link up message that nts sends to EMD. The ooemc will start node resync once EMD notifies the ooemc that the node is active. Therefore, the second step for debugging this mode 1 problem is to see whether rtm link up message has been received by EMD and whether it has been forwarded to the ooemc.
For example, to find the rtm link up messages received by EMD for node with ID 9, issue the following command:
grep RTM_LINK_UP emd* grep "Node id 9"
Once the location of the rtm link up message is found in the log, view the log file for more information on notification to ooemc.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
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