Schneider Electric 890USE19600 Version 1.0 manual Create an EDS, Instructions

Page 48

Application Example

Create an EDS

You can create an EDS using SyCon's EDS Generator by following these














From SyCon’s Tools menu, select

The EDS Generator dialogue box appears.


EDS Generator.






In the Created by text field, enter

Use your own name.


the creator’s name.






In the Device text field, enter the

The device will use the name you enter here when it


device name and manufacturer.

appears in the configuration workspace.





From SyCon’s Type pull-down

The Advantys STB island can only be used as a remote


menu, select Remote Bus Device.

node on INTERBUS.





Specify the Process data direction

The selection of input/output supports the mixture of


by selecting input/output.

input and output modules in the sample island.





Specify the analog Device class.

The selection of analog supports the mixture of digital



and analog modules in the sample island. PCP



capability is not supported by the INTERBUS NIM.





Specify the Process data length by

Bit packing for the sample island indicates 5 words of


selecting an input length of 10

input and 4 words of output. (An octet represents one-


octets, and an output length of 8

half of a data word.)








An Ident code should appear

The above selection of analog (Device class) will put 51


under Device identification.

(33h) in the Ident code, although other values are



available in the Ident code pull-down menu.





In the Configuration (Bitmap) text

The .bmp file graphically represents the node in the


field, select the desired .bmp file or

SyCon workspace. Accepting default bitmaps or


accept the defaults.

importing others will not affect system performance.





890USE19600 April 2004

Image 48
Contents Advantys STB 890USE19600 VersionPage Table of Contents Application Example Safety Information ProcedureImportant Information Safety Information About the Book At a GlanceValidity Note Construed as a commitment by Schneider ElectricAbout the Book Introduction Summary What’s in this Chapter?Topic What Is Advantys STB? IntroductionIsland Bus I/O BasicWhat Is a Network Interface Module? Structural About Interbus Outputs in 4 msComponents of a simplified Interbus network are shown below Physical Layer TopologyNode AddressingInput and output data in the masters buffer On the shift register ring on which data is circulatedIntroduction Product specifications of the basic Interbus NIM STB NIB Basic NIM ModuleWhat’s in this Chapter?External Features of the STB NIB 1010 NIM Features Called out in the illustration belowFeature Function HardwareSpace reserved for the network connectors NIM housing STB NIB 1010 Fieldbus Interface SummaryFieldbus Port ConnectionsConnectors InterbusNetworking CableLED Physical Description OverviewGeneral IndicationsNIM Activity LEDsPower Supply Interface Island is the two-receptacle connector illustrated belowPhysical DescriptionUse either RightLogic Power Improper Galvanic IsolationCharacteristics Power SupplyRequirements ExternalSTB NIB 1010 Module Specifications Technical SpecificationsConfiguring the Island Bus Basic island configuration Auto-AddressingAbout the Island Bus AddressAn Example Module Physical Location Island Bus AddressAuto-Configuration ConfigurationAbout Auto Been successfully configured at least once RST ButtonHinged cover StageIsland Fallback Scenarios FallbackScenarios HeartbeatFieldbus Communications Support Introduction What’s in this Chapter?Interbus ID Code LowHigh Bytes Data TypeData Length Data Exchange Data and StatusObjects ObjectsInternal Process ImageWord BoundariesOutput Data Input DataExchange Contains the NIM statusApplication Example With an Advantys STB NIB 1010 basic NIMSample Island Assembly AssemblyFieldbus network Sample IslandI/O modules have the following island bus addresses Model Module Type Island Bus AddressNetwork Configuration Considerations For use with an Advantys STB islandConnection Devices on an Interbus networkBefore You BeginSyCon ConsiderationsUsing SyCon to Configure an STB Island on Interbus With SyConStage Description Step Action CommentTo add the NIM to the network configuration ConfiguringAdd the NIM WorkspaceCreate an EDS InstructionsSaving Using CMD to Configure an STB Island on Interbus Island slave to your configuration using CMDCMD Add AddingIsland Slave DownloadingApplication Example Glossary ARP BOSCan COBComs CRCDhcp DINEDS EIAEMC EMIEOS FedpFsdp GSDBase ScanningIEC IEC type 1 inputIndustrial I/O Input filteringInput polarity Input responseEnergized and open when the coil is energized Energized and closed when the coil is energizedContact NemaNIM NMTPDM PDOPLC Process I/O ProducerConsumer model Profibus DPRTD SAPScada SDOSmmps SnmpStdp TCPTFE UDP VaristorSuppress transient voltage surges Voltage groupIndex Heartbeat message, 34 housing ID code InterbusIndex