Click on the "Shutdown parameters" section in the menu to see the list of parameters.
When you click the Show advanced parameters option, extra parameters are displayed. These parameters enable, in particular, adjustment of certain thresholds related to the percentage of remaining battery charge level.
The Output column enables the output to be named (maximum 20 characters, "Master" by default).
Shutdonw criteria are describe below:
-If remaining time under (0 to 99999 seconds, 180 by default) is the minimum remaining backup time from which the shutdown sequence is launched.
-If remaining time ratio under (0 to 100%); this value cannot be less than that of the UPS and is the minimum remaining battery capacity level from which the shutdown sequence is launched. (20% be default)
-after (0 to 99999 minutes, not validated by default) is the operating time in minutes left for users after a switch to backup before starting the shutdown sequence.
Shutdown duration (120 seconds by default) is the time required for complete shutdown of systems when a switch to backup time is long enough to trigger the shutdown sequences. It is calculated automatically at the maximum of Shutdown duration of subscribed clients but can be modified in the Advanced mode.
The restart section is not used for Galaxy 7000.
Export settings to file: Enables exportation ("Download" button) and saving of card configuration information.
Import settings from file: Enables selection of a configuration file ("Browse" button) and uploading ("Upload" button) of card configuration information
The administrator has to click on Save to save any modifications.
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