Functional Overview
2.4.7Interrupts operation
The next read to any chip select on the appropriate memory interface clears the interrupt.
The interrupt outputs are generated through a combinational path from the relevant input pin. This enables you to place the SMC in
When interrupts are disabled, a synchronized version of the interrupt input is still readable through the APB interface.
2.4.8Memory interface operation
The memory interface issues commands to the memory from the command FIFO, and controls the cycle timings of these commands. A new command is only issued when the previous command is complete and any
You must not set the rd_bl parameter in the smc_opmode Register to a value greater than the read data FIFO depth of four.
If enabled, the EBI can prevent commands being issued when the SMC is not granted the external bus.
Figure 2-14 on page 2-29 to Figure 2-23 on page 2-38 show the timing parameters.
They are divided into SRAM timing tables and diagrams.
The internal signal read_data is included in the read transfer waveforms to indicate the clock edge on which data is registered by the SMC.
SRAM timing tables and diagrams
All address, control, and write data outputs of the SMC are registered on the rising edge of smc_mclk0n, equivalent to the falling edge of smc_mclk0, for both synchronous and asynchronous accesses. The clock output to memory, smc_clk_out, is driven directly by smc_mclk0, but gated to prevent toggling during asynchronous accesses, or when no transfers are occurring.
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