MessageSaver User Guide
The file is transmitted automatically. If the recipient uses PhoneTools, the file is add- ed to the PhoneTools Inbox. If not, then the recipient should prepare his communica- tions application to receive using the Zmodem protocol.
If you want to send more than one file in the same transmission, you should use an archiving utility to “zip” them into one file. This will permit more than one file to be sent while reducing transmission time.
Receiving a Data File Automatically
Receive mode, speed, and protocol are set in the Communications tab of the General Configuration dialog box. To receive data files automatically, you should either:
•set Reception Mode to Data, in which case PhoneTools will only be able to inter- pret data transmissions, while fax transmissions will not be processed; or
•set Reception Mode to Auto Voice/Fax/Data so that PhoneTools will automatical- ly interpret and process the incoming call.
Protocol is the default file transfer protocol used for incoming data transmissions. Zmodem, the default selection, is the most popular file transfer protocol.
To access received data files, click .