Liability statement
Liability statement
This Datacard® product has been built to the high standards of DataCard Corporation Corporation (doing business as Datacard Group). Please note and heed the WARNING and CAUTION labels that have been placed on the equipment for your safety. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT ADEQUATE TRAINING. ANY USE, OPERATION OR REPAIR IN CONTRAVENTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS SYSTEM YOU HEREBY ASSUME ALL LIABILITY CONSEQUENT TO YOUR USE OR MISUSE OF THIS EQUIPMENT. DATACARD CORPORATION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE OF ANY KIND. Equipment specifications, applications and options are subject to change at the sole discretion of DataCard Corporation without notice.
All Datacard® products are built to strict safety and reliability specifications in accordance with UL60950 and Canadian requirements, and the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. Therefore, safety issues pertaining to operation and repair of Datacard® equipment are primarily environmental and human interface.
The following basic safety tips are given to ensure safe installation, operation and maintenance of Datacard® equipment and are not to be considered as comprehensive on all matters of safety.
Safe environment
•Connect equipment to a grounded facility power source. Do not defeat or bypass the ground lead.
•Place the equipment on a stable surface (table) and ensure floors in the work area are dry and
•Know the location of equipment branch circuit interrupters or circuit breakers and how to turn them on and off in case of emergency.
•Know the location of fire extinguishers and how to use them. ABC type extinguishers may be used on electrical fires.
•Know local procedures for first aid and emergency assistance at the customer facility.
•Use adequate lighting at the equipment.
•Maintain the recommended range of temperature and humidity in equipment area.
•Keep paper and foreign materials off the printer and optional laminator.
•Keep all dust, dirt, food, liquids, etc. away from the printer at all times.
Safe human interface
•Use proper lifting techniques when moving or installing the equipment.
•Use standard electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions when working on or near electrical circuits.
vi | RP90 Plus E and RL90 User Guide |