Enter the password to access the DDNS server. Number of characters for the password: 0 - 32 char-
[Access interval]
Select the interval to access the DDNS server to check the IP address and the host name from the following.
1 min/10 min/30 min/1 hour/6 hours/24 hours Default: 1 hour
Configure the settings relating to SNMP [SNMP]
Click the [SNMP] tab on the "Network setup" page. (☞ page 39)
The settings relating to SNMP can be configured on this page. It is possible to check the status of the camera by connecting to the SNMP manager. When using the SNMP function, contact the network administrator.
[Camera location]
Enter the name of the location where the camera is installed.
Number of characters for the camera location: 0 - 32
Default: (blank)
[Contact (Destination address or phone number of manager)]
Enter the mail address or the phone number of the
SNMP manager.
Number of characters for the destination address or the phone number of manager: 0 - 255 characters
Default: (blank)
[Community name]
Enter the community name to be monitored.
Number of characters for the community name:
0 - 32 characters
Default: (blank)
When using the SNMP function, it is necessary to enter the community name. When no community name is entered, the SNMP function will not work.
[Camera title]
Enter a camera title to be used to manage the camera with the SNMP function.
Number of characters for the camera title: 0 - 32