| E6581741 |
Instance | Attribute ID | Access | Name | Data type | Details |
| 9 | Get/Set | Mcast Config | STRUCT | IP Multicast address configuration |
| of | |
| |
| Alloc Config | USINT | 0 - Use default allocation algorithm to |
| generate multicast addresses. |
| 1 – Multicast addresses shall be allocated |
| according to the values in Num Mcast and |
| Mcast Start Address. |
| Reserved | USINT | (System reserved) |
| Num Mcast | UINT | Number of multicast addressees to allocate |
| for EtherNet/IP. |
1 |
| Mcast Start Addr | UDINT | Starting multicast address from which to begin |
| allocation. | |
| 10 | Get/Set | SelectedAcd | BOOL | Activate the use of ACD |
| 0 - Disable ACD |
| 1 - Enable ACD |
| 11 | Get/Set | LastConflictDeteced | STRUCT | Structure containing information related to the |
| of | last conflict detected. |
| AcdActivity | USINT | State of ACD activity when last conflict |
| detected. |
| RemoteMAC | Array of 6 | MAC address of remote node from the ARP |
| USINT | PDU in which a conflict was detected. |
| ArpPdu | Array of | Copy of the raw ARP PDU in which a conflict |
| 28 USINT | was detected. |
Note: Don’t use the “System reserved” bit and Bit0 for the judgement.
*Only 16 characters in 64 characters can be set in the drive.
Instance Services
Service Code | Service Name |
Description of Service
0x01 | Get_Attribute_All |
0x0E | Get_Attribute_Single |
0x10 | Set_Attribute_Single |
Read all attributes Read one attribute Write one attribute
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