7. Answering Machine
7.1Recording your greeting message
The unit has a
The maximum recording time of your greeting message is either 16 seconds (default) or 60 seconds. We recommend you record a message of less than 12 seconds to make it easier to receive faxes.
Make sure feature #77 is set to “TAM/FAX” (page 41) beforehand.
1{GREETING REC} i{SET} L A long beep will sound.
2Speak clearly about 20 cm (8 inches) away from {MIC}.
3When finished recording, press {STOP}.
LYou can change the maximum TAM/FAX greeting message recording time to 60 seconds (feature #54 on page 40).
–If you change the setting to 60 seconds, we recommend that you tell the caller in your TAM/FAX greeting message to press *9 before starting the fax transmission.
–If you change the setting from 60 seconds to 16 seconds, your current greeting message will be deleted. The
be played when a call is received.
LIf you change the maximum recording time of incoming messages to “GREETING ONLY” (feature #10 on page 37), the unit will answer a call with your current greeting message, and then hang up. Re-
record your greeting message to inform the caller that the unit will not record any incoming messages.
To check the greeting message
LThe unit will play the greeting message.
7.1.1Erasing your recorded greeting message
LTo cancel erasing, press {STOP}.
LIf you erase your TAM/FAX greeting message, the