2.Select COM1 for the Connect Using.
FIGURE 7. HyperTerminal: Comport Setting
3.Change the Bits per Second to 115200 (default), Data Bits to 8, Parity to None, Stop Bits to 1, and Flow Control to Hardware.
FIGURE 8. HyperTerminal: Comport Settings
4.Type AT and press Enter. You should get a reply of “OK” or “0”. .
5.To see what you are typing as you type it, you will need to turn on the echo and verbose mode. Type ATE1V1 and press Enter.
6.If you get a reply of “OK”, then you entered the command successfully. If you get a reply of “0” or “ERROR”, try entering the command again.
AT Command Tables
The tables below list the AT commands, their parameters, and explain what they do.
•For most commands, you need to preface the command with AT (exceptions are noted), i.e. ATA which listed as A
Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23 | 57 |