TABLE 14. IP Manager
Command | Parameters | Details |
*IPMGRKEYn=[key] | n= 1 or 2 | Sets the |
| key = | notifications. If the key's value is all zeros, a default key |
| will be used. If all the bytes in the key are set to FF, then | |
| key in hexadeci- | |
| no key will be used (i.e. the IP change notifications will | |
| mal [32 hex | |
| not be authenticated). AT*IPMGRKEY1 is used to set | |
| characters] | |
| the key to use with AT*IPMANAGER1, while | |
| |
| AT*IPMGRKEY2 is used to the key with |
*IPMGRUPDATEn=m | n= 1 or 2 | Sets the number of minutes to periodically send an IP |
| update notification to the corresponding server. This will | |
| occur even if the IP address of the Raven doesn't change. | |
| |
| *IPMGRUPDATE1 is used to set the refresh rate to |
| *IPMANAGER1, while *IPMGRUPDATE2 is used |
| with *IPMANAGER2. |
| If the value is set to 0, then periodic updates will not be |
| issued (i.e. IP change notifications will only be sent |
| when the IP actually changes). |
*MODEMNAME=[name] | name = domain | Name of the Raven (up to 20 characters long) to use |
| name (i.e. eair- | when performing IP change notifications to IPManager. |
| link.com) | The value in *DOMAIN provides the domain zone to |
| add to this name. |
| Example: if *MODEMNAME=mymodem and |
| *DOMAIN=eairlink.com, then the modem's fully qual- |
| ified domain name is mymodem.eairlink.com. |
| Note: Each modem using IPManager needs a unique |
| name. Two modems cannot be called “mymodem”. One |
| could be “mymodem1” with the other as “mymodem”. |
| Automatically Generated Names: |
| #I3 - The ESN/IMEI will be used as the name. |
| #NETPHONE - The phone number be used as the |
| name. |
| Note: Only letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods can |
| be used. |
80 | Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23 |