Chapter 7 Establishing Switch Access
You can now configure the P460.
You can connect the
Outband Interface Connection CLI Commands
In order to... | Use the following command... |
Configure the management | set interface outband |
interface |
Enable the outband interface | enable interface outband |
Disable the outband interface | disable interface outband |
Enable or disable the link | set outband negotiation |
negotiation protocol on the Fast |
Ethernet console port |
Set the speed of Fast Ethernet | set outband speed |
Console port |
Set the duplex mode of the Ethernet | set outband duplex |
Console port |
Display information on the device | show interface |
network interfaces |
Display outband interface | show outband |
parameters |
Send an ICMP echo request packets | ping |
to another node on the network. |
44 | Avaya P460 Installation and Maintenance Guide |