AD connection to purified water, pressurised, (1.5 - 10 bar)
The machine is delivered from the fac- tory ready for connection to a press- urised system, 1.5 - 10 bar.
The AD pressure tested hose, marked H2O pure, with 3/4" thread must be connected to the
Connection to purified water non- pressurised (0 - 1.5 bar)
For connection to a supply of 0 - 0.3 bar, or 0.3 - 1.5 bar the machine must be converted, if not supplied converted
The outlet of the purified water con- tainer
Connect the
If the AD connection to purified water is not being used (or if it should not be used) then the ma- chine must be converted by a Miele trained or approved engineer.