GE WBVH5300, GFWN1000 WaTEr HEaTEr SaFETY, ProPEr InSTaLLaTIon, Your LaundrY arEa

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Operating Instructions Safety Instructions

Installation Instructions

Consumer Support Troubleshooting Tips



WARNING! For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury or loss of life.

The instructions in this manual and all other literature included with this washer are not meant to cover every possible condition and situation that may occur. Good, safe practices and caution MUST be applied when installing, operating and maintaining any appliance.


under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these circumstances.

If the hot water has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or injury by

turning on all hot water faucets and allowing them to run for several minutes. Do this before using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water system. This simple procedure will allow any built-up hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during this process.


This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.

n Install or store where it will not be exposed

n Properly ground washer to conform with all governing

to temperatures below freezing or exposed

codes and ordinances. Follow details in Installation

to the weather, which could cause permanent


damage and invalidate the warranty.


Your LaundrY arEa

n Keep the area underneath and around your

n Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is

appliances free of combustible materials such as

used by or near children. Do not allow children to

lint, paper, rags and chemicals.

play on, with or inside this or any other appliance.

n Do not leave the washer door open. An open door


could entice children to hang on the door or crawl


inside the washer.



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Contents Washers Your LaundrY arEa WaTEr HEaTEr SaFETYProPEr InSTaLLaTIon REad and FoLLoW this SaFETY InFormaTIon carEFuLLY WHEn uSInG the WaSHErWHEn noT In uSE Troubleshooting Tips Consumer SupportAbout the washer control panel Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Power Wash CyclesWash Temp Soil LevelSpin Speed Extra Rinse About the washer featuresCycle Signal LockLiquid Bleach Compartment Dispenser DrawerDetergent Compartment Preparing clothes Loading and using the washerSorting Wash Loads Fabric Softener CompartmentWOrkWEar LInEnS MIxED LOaD Loading the WasherMaximum Loading Sizes GarMEntSCleaning the Interior Washer Cleaning the washerCare and cleaning Cleaning the Pump Filter Cleaning the Door GasketLock tab is visible only after drawer has been pulled out StaCk BraCkEt kIt TOOLS rEQUIrED FOr WaSHEr InStaLLatIOnPartS Supplied Read these instructions completely and carefullyROUgH-In DIMEnSIOnS LOCatIOn of yOUr WaSHErSave all bolts for future use Installation instructions that come with the pedestalUnPaCkIng tHE WaSHEr WatEr SUPPLy rEQUIrEMEntS ELECtrICaL rEQUIrEMEntSGrOUnDIng rEQUIrEMEntS DraIn rEQUIrEMEntSInStaLLIng tHE WaSHEr REPLaCEMEnt PartS Before starting the washer, check to make sureBefore you call for service… Consumer Support Troubleshooting Tips Troubleshooting Before you call for service… For The Period We Will Replace GE Washer WarrantyWhat Is Not Covered in the United States Warrantor General Electric Company. Louisville, KYConsumer Support GE appliances Website Schedule ServiceParts and accessories Real Life design StudioLavadoras Zona dE lavadEro SEGUrIdad dEl CalEnTador dE aGUaInSTalaCIÓn CorrECTa LEa dETEnIdamEnTE y SIGa la InformaCIÓn dE SEGUrIdad Al UTIlIZar la lavadoraCUando no Esté En USo El panel de control de la lavadora Instrucciones de funcionamientoInstrucciones de Encendido/apagado Ciclos de lavadoTemperatura de lavado Nivel de suciedadVelocidad de centrifugado START/PAUSE Iniciar/pausaAcerca de las funciones de la lavadora Cycle Signal Señal de cicloDelay Start Retrasar inicio en algunos modelos Extra Rinse Enjuagado extraCompartimento para El detergente Depósito de detergenteCompartimento de prelavado Compartimento para lejía líquidaPreparación de las prendas Carga y uso de la lavadoraSeparación de cargas Carga de la lavadora Tamaños de carga máximosCómo limpiar la parte interior de la lavadora Limpieza de la lavadoraCuidado y limpieza Cómo limpiar el filtro de la bomba Cómo limpiar la junta de la puertaLimpieza de la lavadora Kit de sopoRte de apiLado HeRRamientas necesaRias paRa La instaLaciÓn de La LavadoRaPiezas incLuidas Lea detenidamente todas las instruccionesImpoRtante Dimensiones apRoXimadasUbicaciÓn de La LavadoRa DesembaLaje de La LavadoRa Guarde todos los pernos para uso futuroReQuisitos de suministRo de agua ReQuisitos eLÉctRicosReQuisitos de coneXiÓn a tieRRa ReQuisitos de desagüeInstaLaciÓn de La LavadoRa Ni apriete excesivamente estas conexionesPiezas de Repuesto Antes de llamar al servicio de asistencia técnica… Consejos para la Instrucciones de Instrucciones de funcionamiento Consejos para la solución de problemas Exclusiones de la garantía en Estados Unidos Garantía de la lavadora GEPeríodo Se sustituirá Garante General Electric Company. Louisville, KYGarantías ampliadas Servicio al consumidor Página Web de GE appliancesSolicite una reparación Piezas y accesorios