GE GFWN1000, WBVH5300 UnPaCkIng tHE WaSHEr, Installation instructions that come with the pedestal

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Installation Instructions

UnPaCkIng tHE WaSHEr

WarnIng: Recycle or destroy the carton and plastic bags after the washer is unpacked. Make materials inaccessible to children. Children might use them for play. Cartons covered with rugs, bedspreads or plastic sheets can become airtight chambers causing suffocation.

1.Cut and remove the top and bottom packaging straps.

2.While it is in the carton, carefully lay the washer on its side. DO NOT lay the washer on its front or back.

3.Turn down the bottom flaps—remove all base packaging, including the cardboard, styrofoam base and styrofoam tub support (inserted in center of base).

nOtE: If you are installing a pedestal, proceed to

the installation instructions that come with the pedestal.

4.Carefully return the washer to an upright position and remove the carton.

5.Carefully move the washer to within 4 feet (122 cm) of the final location.

6.Remove the following from the back side of the washer: 4 bolts

4 plastic spacers (including rubber grommets)

4 power cord retainers

nOtE: Failure to remove the shipping braces can cause the washer to become severely unbalanced.

Save all bolts for future use.

nOtE: If you must transport the washer at a later date, you must reinstall the shipping support hardware to prevent shipping damage. Keep the hardware in the plastic bag provided.

In case you misplace your shipping bolts, replacements are available at additional cost. they can be ordered in the United States by visiting our website at or calling 800.gE.CarES. Order kit #WH49x10039.


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Contents Washers Your LaundrY arEa WaTEr HEaTEr SaFETYProPEr InSTaLLaTIon WHEn noT In uSE WHEn uSInG the WaSHErREad and FoLLoW this SaFETY InFormaTIon carEFuLLY Troubleshooting Tips Consumer SupportAbout the washer control panel Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Wash Cycles PowerWash Temp Soil LevelSpin Speed Cycle Signal About the washer featuresExtra Rinse LockLiquid Bleach Compartment Dispenser DrawerDetergent Compartment Sorting Wash Loads Loading and using the washerPreparing clothes Fabric Softener CompartmentMaximum Loading Sizes Loading the WasherWOrkWEar LInEnS MIxED LOaD GarMEntSCleaning the Interior Washer Cleaning the washerCare and cleaning Cleaning the Door Gasket Cleaning the Pump FilterLock tab is visible only after drawer has been pulled out PartS Supplied TOOLS rEQUIrED FOr WaSHEr InStaLLatIOnStaCk BraCkEt kIt Read these instructions completely and carefullyLOCatIOn of yOUr WaSHEr ROUgH-In DIMEnSIOnSSave all bolts for future use Installation instructions that come with the pedestalUnPaCkIng tHE WaSHEr GrOUnDIng rEQUIrEMEntS ELECtrICaL rEQUIrEMEntSWatEr SUPPLy rEQUIrEMEntS DraIn rEQUIrEMEntSInStaLLIng tHE WaSHEr Before starting the washer, check to make sure REPLaCEMEnt PartSBefore you call for service… Consumer Support Troubleshooting Tips Troubleshooting Before you call for service… What Is Not Covered in the United States GE Washer WarrantyFor The Period We Will Replace Warrantor General Electric Company. Louisville, KYParts and accessories Schedule ServiceConsumer Support GE appliances Website Real Life design StudioLavadoras Zona dE lavadEro SEGUrIdad dEl CalEnTador dE aGUaInSTalaCIÓn CorrECTa LEa dETEnIdamEnTE y SIGa la InformaCIÓn dE SEGUrIdad Al UTIlIZar la lavadoraCUando no Esté En USo Instrucciones de funcionamiento El panel de control de la lavadoraInstrucciones de Ciclos de lavado Encendido/apagadoVelocidad de centrifugado Nivel de suciedadTemperatura de lavado START/PAUSE Iniciar/pausaDelay Start Retrasar inicio en algunos modelos Cycle Signal Señal de cicloAcerca de las funciones de la lavadora Extra Rinse Enjuagado extraCompartimento de prelavado Depósito de detergenteCompartimento para El detergente Compartimento para lejía líquidaPreparación de las prendas Carga y uso de la lavadoraSeparación de cargas Tamaños de carga máximos Carga de la lavadoraCómo limpiar la parte interior de la lavadora Limpieza de la lavadoraCuidado y limpieza Cómo limpiar la junta de la puerta Cómo limpiar el filtro de la bombaLimpieza de la lavadora Piezas incLuidas HeRRamientas necesaRias paRa La instaLaciÓn de La LavadoRaKit de sopoRte de apiLado Lea detenidamente todas las instruccionesImpoRtante Dimensiones apRoXimadasUbicaciÓn de La LavadoRa Guarde todos los pernos para uso futuro DesembaLaje de La LavadoRaReQuisitos de coneXiÓn a tieRRa ReQuisitos eLÉctRicosReQuisitos de suministRo de agua ReQuisitos de desagüeNi apriete excesivamente estas conexiones InstaLaciÓn de La LavadoRaPiezas de Repuesto Antes de llamar al servicio de asistencia técnica… Consejos para la Instrucciones de Instrucciones de funcionamiento Consejos para la solución de problemas Período Se sustituirá Garantía de la lavadora GEExclusiones de la garantía en Estados Unidos Garante General Electric Company. Louisville, KYSolicite una reparación Servicio al consumidor Página Web de GE appliancesGarantías ampliadas Piezas y accesorios