GE GFWN1000, WBVH5300 installation instructions Soil Level, Spin Speed, Wash Temp

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Soil Level


Changing the SOIL LEVEL increases or decreases the wash time to remove different amounts of soil.


To change the SOIL LEVEL, press the SOIL LEVEL button until you have reached the desired setting.


Spin Speed


Changing the SPIN SPEED changes the final spin speed of the cycles. Always follow the fabric


manufacturer’s care label when changing the SPIN SPEED.


To change the SPIN SPEED, press the SPIN SPEED button until you have reached the desired setting.


Higher spin speeds are not available on certain cycles, such as Delicates.


Higher spin speeds remove more water from the clothes and will help reduce dry time, but may also


increase the possibility of setting wrinkles on some fabrics.


Wash Temp


Adjust to select the proper water temperature for the wash cycle. The prewash and rinse water is


always cold to help reduce energy usage and reduce setting of stains and wrinkles.


Follow the fabric manufacturer’s care label when selecting the wash temperature.


To change the wash temperature, press the WASH TEMP button until you have reached the desired


setting. The Sanitized wash temperature is not available on certain cycles, such as Delicates.


When selecting the Sanitize wash temperature (on some models), the washer increases the water


temperature to sanitize and kill more than 99% of many common bacteria found in home laundry. The


sanitize wash temperature is only available on Stain Wash and Whites wash cycles. For best results,




the heavy soil setting when using the Sanitize wash temperature setting.


NOTE: The first 10 seconds of the wash fill is always cold. This feature assists in conditioning the fabric


and preventing stains from setting on garments.


Press to start a wash cycle. If the washer is running, pressing it once will pause the washer and unlock the door. Press again to restart the wash cycle.

NOTE: If the washer is paused and the cycle is not restarted within 2 hours, the current wash cycle will be cancelled.

NOTE: The washer performs automatic system checks after pressing the START button. Water will flow in 45 seconds or less. You may hear the door lock and unlock before water flows; this is normal.


Safety Instructions Operating Instructions

Installation Instructions

Troubleshooting Tips Consumer Support

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Contents Washers ProPEr InSTaLLaTIon WaTEr HEaTEr SaFETYYour LaundrY arEa Troubleshooting Tips Consumer Support WHEn uSInG the WaSHErWHEn noT In uSE REad and FoLLoW this SaFETY InFormaTIon carEFuLLYAbout the washer control panel Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Wash Cycles PowerSpin Speed Soil LevelWash Temp Lock About the washer featuresCycle Signal Extra RinseDetergent Compartment Dispenser DrawerLiquid Bleach Compartment Fabric Softener Compartment Loading and using the washerSorting Wash Loads Preparing clothesGarMEntS Loading the WasherMaximum Loading Sizes WOrkWEar LInEnS MIxED LOaDCare and cleaning Cleaning the washerCleaning the Interior Washer Cleaning the Door Gasket Cleaning the Pump FilterLock tab is visible only after drawer has been pulled out Read these instructions completely and carefully TOOLS rEQUIrED FOr WaSHEr InStaLLatIOnPartS Supplied StaCk BraCkEt kItLOCatIOn of yOUr WaSHEr ROUgH-In DIMEnSIOnSUnPaCkIng tHE WaSHEr Installation instructions that come with the pedestalSave all bolts for future use DraIn rEQUIrEMEntS ELECtrICaL rEQUIrEMEntSGrOUnDIng rEQUIrEMEntS WatEr SUPPLy rEQUIrEMEntSInStaLLIng tHE WaSHEr Before starting the washer, check to make sure REPLaCEMEnt PartSBefore you call for service… Consumer Support Troubleshooting Tips Troubleshooting Before you call for service… Warrantor General Electric Company. Louisville, KY GE Washer WarrantyWhat Is Not Covered in the United States For The Period We Will ReplaceReal Life design Studio Schedule ServiceParts and accessories Consumer Support GE appliances WebsiteLavadoras InSTalaCIÓn CorrECTa SEGUrIdad dEl CalEnTador dE aGUaZona dE lavadEro CUando no Esté En USo Al UTIlIZar la lavadoraLEa dETEnIdamEnTE y SIGa la InformaCIÓn dE SEGUrIdad Instrucciones de funcionamiento El panel de control de la lavadoraInstrucciones de Ciclos de lavado Encendido/apagadoSTART/PAUSE Iniciar/pausa Nivel de suciedadVelocidad de centrifugado Temperatura de lavadoExtra Rinse Enjuagado extra Cycle Signal Señal de cicloDelay Start Retrasar inicio en algunos modelos Acerca de las funciones de la lavadoraCompartimento para lejía líquida Depósito de detergenteCompartimento de prelavado Compartimento para El detergenteSeparación de cargas Carga y uso de la lavadoraPreparación de las prendas Tamaños de carga máximos Carga de la lavadoraCuidado y limpieza Limpieza de la lavadoraCómo limpiar la parte interior de la lavadora Cómo limpiar la junta de la puerta Cómo limpiar el filtro de la bombaLimpieza de la lavadora Lea detenidamente todas las instrucciones HeRRamientas necesaRias paRa La instaLaciÓn de La LavadoRaPiezas incLuidas Kit de sopoRte de apiLadoUbicaciÓn de La LavadoRa Dimensiones apRoXimadasImpoRtante Guarde todos los pernos para uso futuro DesembaLaje de La LavadoRaReQuisitos de desagüe ReQuisitos eLÉctRicosReQuisitos de coneXiÓn a tieRRa ReQuisitos de suministRo de aguaNi apriete excesivamente estas conexiones InstaLaciÓn de La LavadoRaPiezas de Repuesto Antes de llamar al servicio de asistencia técnica… Consejos para la Instrucciones de Instrucciones de funcionamiento Consejos para la solución de problemas Garante General Electric Company. Louisville, KY Garantía de la lavadora GEPeríodo Se sustituirá Exclusiones de la garantía en Estados UnidosPiezas y accesorios Servicio al consumidor Página Web de GE appliancesSolicite una reparación Garantías ampliadas