Emerson 00825-0100-4716, 3095 manual Conditions of Certification, INMETRO Certifications

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Conditions of Certification (X):

Quick Installation Guide

00825-0100-4716, Rev DA October 2009

Rosemount 3095 MultiVariable

Table 7. RTD Terminals Entity Parameters

Uo = 30Vdc

Io = 19 mAdc

Po = 140 mW

The capacitance and either the Inductance or the Inductance to Resistance Ratio (L/R) of the load connected to the 4-pin connector must not exceed the following values:


Capacitance (￿F)

Inductance (mH)

or L/R Ratio


















1.The external circuit contains no combined lumped inductance and capacitance greater than 1% of the above values.

Or 2. The inductance and capacitance are distributed as in a cable.

Or 3. The external circuit contains only lumped inductance or only lumped capacitance in combination with a cable.

In all other situations e.g. combined lumped inductance and capacitance, up to 50% of each of L and C values is allowed.

Conditions of Certification (X):

When fitted with the transient option, the apparatus is not capable of withstanding the 500V electrical strength test as defined in Clause 6.3.12 of IEC 60079-11. This must be taken into account during installation.

5IECEx Type n

Certificate Number: IECEx BAS06.0071X Ex nA nL IIC T4 (-45°C Ta 70°C)

Ex nA nL IIC T5 (-45°C Ta 40°C) Ui = 55V dc max

Conditions of Certification (X):

When fitted with the transient option, the apparatus is not capable of withstanding the 500V electrical strength test as defined in Clause 6.8.1 of IEC 60079-15. This must be taken into account during installation.

7IECEx Flameproof

Certificate Number: IECEx KEM 06.0018 Zone 0/1 Ex d IIC T6 (-20°C Ta 65°C) Zone 0/1 Ex d IIC T5 (-20°C Ta 80°C)

Vmax = 55 Vdc

Imax = 23 mAdc

8IECEx Dust

Certificate Number: IECEx KEM 06.0018 Ex tD A22 T90°C


INMETRO Certifications

EINMETRO Flameproof BR-Ex d IIC T6/T5


Image 21
Contents Rosemount 3095 MultiVariable Quick Installation GuideFieldbus Protocol Rosemount 3095MF Series Flowmeter Transmitter ¢00825-0100-4716/¤Process leaks may cause harm or result in death Explosions could result in death or serious injuryElectrical shock can result in death or serious injury IMPORTANT NOTICERTD Connector TRANSMITTER EXPLODED VIEWTerminal Block HART O-ring Cover Certification Label Electronics Board Nameplate Module O-ringLiquid Flow Applications STEP 1 MOUNT THE TRANSMITTERGas Flow Applications Steam Flow ApplicationsSTEP 2 TRANSMITTER INSTALLATION Consider Housing RotationField Installation STEP 2 CONTINUED Figure 2. Alarm Jumper LocationFigure 3. Armored Shielded RTD Cable Cable Gland Black Cable Connector/ RTD Connector Cable Adapter 1/2-14 NPT Black Cable ConnectorFigure 4. Shielded RTD Cable Figure 5. ATEX/IECEx Flameproof RTD CableFigure 6. Common Transmitter Assemblies Bolting ConsiderationsFlange Adapter O-rings with Flange AdaptersO-ring PTFE Based3095 Engineering Assistant EA for HART Software Installation STEP 3 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION3095 Engineering Assistant EA for FOUNDATION Fieldbus Installing the HART ModemSTEP 3 CONTINUED 3. Select Hart Modem24 Vdc Supply Current RL≥ 250Ω Meter STEP 4 CONNECT WIRING AND POWER UP HARTPower Supply STEP 4 CONNECT WIRING AND POWER UP FIELDBUSPower Conditioner Shield Wire GroundSetting the Loop to Manual STEP 5 CONFIGURE THE TRANSMITTER HARTSend the Configuration to the Transmitter Basic Configuration ParametersRosemount 3095 MultiVariable STEP 5 CONFIGURE THE TRANSMITTER FIELDBUS To configure the AI BlockAI Block configuration parameters Using the Foundation Fieldbus AI Block Using the Field CommunicatorUsing the Foundation Fieldbus Host System STEP 6 TRIM THE TRANSMITTERApproved Manufacturing Locations PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS Rosemount 3095 with HARTEuropean Directive Information Rosemount 3095 HART Hazardous Locations CertificationsCanadian Standards Association CSA European CertificationsSpecial Conditions for Safe Use IECEx Certifications HART INMETRO Certifications Conditions of CertificationChina NEPSI Certifications Special conditions for safe useL i ≈ Maximum Temperature of Combinations of Certifications Rosemount 3095 with FieldbusATEX Directive 94/9/EC European Pressure Equipment Directive PED 97/23/ECNorth American Certifications Rosemount 3095 Fieldbus Hazardous Locations CertificationsFM Approvals Canadian Standards Association CSARosemount 3095 MultiVariable IECEx Certifications Fieldbus Quick Installation Guide Rosemount 3095 MultiVariableCombinations of Certifications Rosemount 3095 MultiVariable Quick Installation GuideRosemount 3095 MultiVariable Quick Installation GuideRosemount 3095 MultiVariable Quick Installation GuideRosemount 3095 MultiVariable Quick Installation Guide