Renam (Rename Song [→ Dest Drive, Dest Song, Dest Song Name 16 characters]):
This operation changes the name of the specified song in the specified drive. (Refer to “2. Naming a song”, p.9)
| 1 |
| 4 | 5 |
| 6 |
| Renam:A01œ |
| SngName œ | |||
Del (Delete Song [→ |
| Current Song]): |
This operation deletes the
If there are songs following the deleted song, their song numbers will be moved forward accordingly. Fol- lowing the delete operation, the next song will be selected.
1 4 5
Mov (Move Song [Current Song→ Current Drive: Dest Song]):
This operation moves the currently selected song to the specified song number within the same drive. Songs before and after the move destination number will have their numbers moved forward or backward as appropriate.
1 |
| 4 | 5 |
Recov (Recover Song [Current Song→ Current Drive: Current Song+1, Original→ Current Song])
This operation restores the current song to the state in which it was when first selected. At this time, the cur- rent state of the song will be copied to the next song number. The copy destination number and subsequent numbers will be incremented by one. If 50 songs already exist, you will be asked whether it is OK to overwrite the data. Press the [ ] key to overwrite.
P2-2 Source drive number display (only for Copy Song)
............................................................................(I, A...G)
When Cpy (Copy Song) is selected in
I: Internal IDE (internal drive), A: SCSI ID 0, B: SCSI ID
1, C: SCSI ID 2, D: SCSI ID 3, E: SCSI ID 4, F: SCSI ID 5,
P2-3 Source song number select (only for Copy Song)
..................................................................[01...50, 1-✽✽]
Selects the copy source song. Select one or all existing songs from the currently selected drive.
01...50: Copy 1 song.
Recover Song) | [(I, A...G)] |
If Cpy (Copy Song) or Renam (Rename Song) was selected for
I: Internal IDE (internal drive), A: SCSI ID 0, B: SCSI ID
1, C: SCSI ID 2, D: SCSI ID 3, E: SCSI ID 4, F: SCSI ID 5,
If you selected Del (Delete Song), Mov (Move Song) or Recov (Recover Song) in
Recover Song) | [(01...50)] |
If you selected Mov (Move Song) in
If you selected Cpy (Copy Song) or Renam (Rename Song) in
A maximum of 50 songs can be created in one drive. This means that the number of Source Songs and the number indicated as the last song must total no more than 50. If this number would exceed 50, an error mes- sage will appear and the copy operation will not be executed.
The following display shows an example in which songs
1 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 |
Cpy:I1-35ø øB06-40okœ
If you selected Del (Delete Song) or Recov (Recover Song) in
P2-6 Specify the song name (only for Recover Song) .
[ (blank), A...Z, a...z, 0...9, @, !, ", #, $, %, ', (, ), ✽, +, ,,
If Renam (Rename Song) was selected in
Chapter 3 | Reference |