DualDLY (Dual Delay)
This is a delay in which the L/R channel parameters can be set independently.
LT (L Time) | 1ms...1s | L channel delay time |
RT (R Time) | 1ms...1s | R channel delay time |
LFBack (L Feedback) | 0...50 | L channel feedback amount |
RFBack (R Feedback) 0...50 | R channel feedback amount | |
LHDamp (L HiDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of the L |
| channel feedback |
RHDamp (R HiDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of the R |
| channel feedback |
LLDamp (L Low- | 0...50 | Low frequency attenuation of the L |
Damp) |
| channel feedback |
RLDamp (R Low- | 0...50 | Low frequency attenuation of the R |
Damp) |
| channel feedback |
LMx (L Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the L channel |
| effect sound and direct sound |
RMx (R Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,..,49,WET | Balance between the R channel |
| effect sound and direct sound |
S.DLY (Stereo Delay)
This is a version of Mono Delay which allows
The parameters are the same as for Mono Delay.
TmpoDLY (Tempo Delay)
This effect lets you specify the delay time in terms of a specified note value and tempo.
TEMPO (Tempo) | 30...250 | Tempo |
NOTE (NoteLength) | 4...64T | Note value length |
Fback (Feedback) | 0...50 | Feedback amount |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
L.Damp (LowDamp) | 0...50 | Low frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
X.DLY (Cross Delay)
This is a delay in which the feedback is alternated between the L/R channels. Delay time can be set independently for each channel.
LT (L Time) | 1ms...1s | L channel delay time |
RT (R Time) | 1ms...1s | R channel delay time |
Fback (Feedback) | 0...50 | Feedback amount |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
L.Damp (LowDamp) | 0...50 | Low frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
DOPPLER (Doppler)
This simulates the Doppler effect.
SPD (Speed) | 0.01...4.00(Hz) | Speed of movement |
PITCH (Pitch) | 0...50 | Pitch difference of the Doppler effect |
SPRED (Spread) | Left/right spread | |
DLY (Delay) | 1ms...1s | Delay time |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
ENSEMBL (Ensemble)
This is an ensemble effect with multiple chorus blocks. It produces a sense of
SPD (Speed) | 0.01...16.0(Hz) | Modulation speed |
DEPTH (Depth) | 0...50 | Modulation depth |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation |
L.Damp (LowDamp) | 0...50 | Low frequency attenuation |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
ER (Early Reflections)
Out of the various reflected components that make up reverbera- tion, this effect isolates only the early reflections. It gives the sound a sense of presence and reality.
CRV (Curv) | SHARP, LOOSE, | Select the attenuation curve of the |
| MOD, REV | early reflections |
T (ER Time) | 10...400ms | Length of the early reflections |
PDL (PreDelay) | 0...200 ms | Time from the original sound until the |
| first early reflection |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
EXCITER (Exciter)
This effect adds sparkle to the sound, giving it greater definition.
BLEND (Blend) | 0...50 | Depth of the exciter effect |
EMPHA (Emphatic | 0...100 | The frequency that is emphasized |
Point) |
S.XCITE (Stereo Exciter)
This is a variation of EXCITER which allows simultaneous
FILTER (Filter)
This is a filter with resonance, whose frequency can be controlled by an envelope.
TYPE (Type) | LPF,BPF,HPF | Filter type |
SENS (Sens) | 0...50 | Sensitivity |
ATK (Attack) | FAST,1,2...49,SLOW | Strength of the attack |
MANUAL (Manual) | 0...50 | Frequency at which the effect will |
| apply |
RES (Resonance) | 0...50 | Amount (strength) of resonance |
PLTY (Polarity) | UP, DOWN | Polarity |
GATE (Gate)
This effect mutes any signals which are lower than the specified level.
THR (Threshold) | Level at which the effect will begin to | |
| apply |
ATK (Attack) | FAST, 1...49, SLOW | Attack length |
REL (Release) | FAST, 1...49, SLOW | Release length |
NR (Noise Reduction)
This effect reduces noise.
THR (Threshold) | Level at which the effect begins to | |
| apply |
S.NR (Stereo NR)
This is a version of NR which allows
PAN (Pan)
This effect moves the sound between left and right. You can specify the location of the center position.
SPD (Speed) | 0.01...16.0(Hz) | Modulation speed |
DEPTH (Depth) | 0...50 | Modulation depth |
BAL (LR Balance) | L50,L49..0,R1,..R50 | Location of center position |
PHASER (Phaser)
This effect moves the phase of the sound to create modulation.
SPD (Speed) | 0.01...16.0(Hz) | Speed |
DEPTH (Depth) | 0...50 | Modulation depth |
MANUAL (Manual) | 0...50 | Frequency at which the effect is |
| applied |
RES (Resonance) | Amount of resonance | |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49, | Balance between the effect sound |
| WET | and the direct sound |
S.PHASE (Stereo Phaser)
This is a version of PHASER which allows
PHASE (Phase) | 0...180 | Relative phase difference between |
| channels |
Chapter 4 | Appendices | |
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