Taurus Group 2 Service, Charging the battery, USB charge, Instructions for use Before use, Use

Page 17


- The appliance has been oiled in ori- gin. In order to maintain the applian- ce in a good operation conditions we suggest greasing the blades every time you clean it by putting a few drops of oil on the ends of the blade, and finally switching on the appliance during a few seconds.

-It is recommended to replace the outer foil once per year.

-It is recommended to replace the inner cutter once every two years.

-Make sure that the appliance is serviced only by specialist personnel, and that only original spare parts

or accessories are used to replace existing parts/accessories.

-Any misuse or failure to follow

the instructions for use renders the guarantee and the manufacturer’s liability null and void.

Charging the battery

Caution: A new battery is not fully charged and must therefore be char- ged before the appliance is used for the first time.

- Charge the battery at an atmosphe- ric temperature of between 4 and 40ºC.

-Make sure that the power is off before charging.

-Connect the USB interfaces of shaver and charger by data line, then plug the adaptor (K) into the mains (Fig. 1)

-A pilot light will come on to indicate that the appliance is being charged. Approximately 8 hours are needed for a complete charge of the battery. Never attempt to over charge the battery (although it is recommended

that the first charge of the battery be of 10 hours in duration).

- When the battery is charged dis- connect the adaptor from the mains supply.

NB: Do not use the appliance while it is connected to the charger.

USB charge

-Please make sure that the power is off before charging.

-Connect the USB interfaces of shaver and computer by data line for charging (Fig. 2)

-A pilot light will come on to indicate that the appliance is being charged. Approximately 8 hours are needed for a complete charge of the battery. Never attempt to over charge the battery (although it is recommended that the first charge of the battery be of 10 hours in duration).

-When the battery is charged discon- nect the computer data line.

NB: Do not use the appliance while it is connected to the charger.

Instructions for use

Before use:

-Make sure that all the product’s packaging has been removed.

-Ensure that the selected tension on the voltage selector coincides with the tension of the mains.

-Before using this product for the first time, it is important to make a full charge of batteries.


-Remove the protective cap (A).

-Turn the appliance on, by using the on/off switch.







































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Image 17
Contents Shave Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Manual i-shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Máquina de afeitar recargable i-Shave Distinguido cliente EspañolDescripción Seguridad eléctricaServicio Utilización y cuidadosCarga por USB Carga de la bateríaModo de empleo Notas previas al uso UsoLimpieza Botón de bloqueoConsumibles Anomalías y reparaciónComo retirar de las baterías del interior del aparato Descripció CatalaMàquina d’afaitar recarregable i-Shave Benvolgut client Servei Utilització i curaCàrrega per USB Càrrega de la bateriaInstruccions d’ús Com afaitarUn cop finalitzat l’ús de l’aparell Botó de bloqueigNeteja Anomalies i reparacióCom retirar les bateries de l’interior de l’aparell Electrical safety Safety advice and warningsEnglish Rechargeable shaver i-Shave Dear customerUse and care Fully unroll the appliance’s power cable before each useDry Charging the battery ServiceUSB charge Instructions for use Before useSwitch lock How to shaveOnce you have finished using the appliance CleaningLife has ended, take it to an How to remove the batteries from the interior of the deviceRasoir électrique rechargeable i-Shave Cher Client FrançaisConseils et mesures de sécurité Sécurité électriqueUtilisation et précautions Recharge par USB Mode d’emploi Remarques avant utilisationCharger la batterie Usage AccessoiresComment se raser Bouton de blocageComment extraire les batteries de l’appareil Écologie et recyclage du produitVous défaire du produit Sehr geehrter Kunde DeutschBeschreibung Elektrische SicherheitSeien Sie vorsichtig und vermeiden Gebrauch und PflegeÜber USB aufladen Sie eine direkte Berührung der Sch- neideseiten der KlingenAufladung der Batterie Gebrauch Gebrauchsanweisung Hinweise vor dem EinsatzRichtig rasieren SperrtasteWie Sie die Batterien aus dem Gerät entfernen Störungen und ReparaturUmweltschutz und Recycelbarkeit des Produktes Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Egregio cliente ItalianoDescrizione Consigli e avvisi di sicurezzaServizio Non toccare mai la spina con le mani bagnatePrecauzioni d’uso Come radere Ricarica tramite USBModalità d’uso Prima dell’uso Dopo l’uso dell’apparecchio BloccaggioPulizia ConsumibiliCome rimuovere le batterie dall’interno dell’apparecchio Máquina de barbear recarregável i-Shave Caro cliente PortuguêsDescriç̧ão Seguranç̧a eléctricaManutenç̧ão Utilizaç̧ão e cuidadosCarregamento por USB Carregamento da bateriaModo de emprego Notas prévias à utilizaç̧ão Utilizaç̧ãoBotão de bloquear Como barbearUma vez terminada a utilizaç̧ão do aparelho LimpezaRetirar com segurança a bateria do seu alojamento Como retirar as baterias do interior do aparelhoGeachte klant NederlandsBeschrijving Elektrische veiligheidGebruik en onderhoud De stekker niet met natte handen aanrakenGebruiksaanwijzing Alvorens het gebruik USB opladingHoe te scheren GebruikBlokkeerknop Na gebruik van het apparaatHoe haalt U de batterijen uit het apparaat Gevaarlijk zijnGolarka elektryczna i-Shave Szanowny Kliencie PolskiOpis Wskazówki i ostrzeżenia dotyczące bezpiecznego użytkowaniaŁadowanie akumulatora Serwis technicznyCzyszczenie Instrukcja obsługi Uwagi przed pierwszym użyciemUżycie Sposób wyjmowania akumulatorów z wnętrza urządzenia Nieprawidłowości i naprawaEkologia i zarządzanie odpadami Ηλεκτρική ασφάλεια ΠεριγραφήΣυμβουλές και προειδοποιήσεις ασφαλείας Σέρβις Χρήση και προσοχήΦόρτιση από USB Φόρτιση της μπαταρίαςΟδηγίες χρήσης Σημειώσεις πριν την χρήση ΧρήσηΠλήκτρο μπλοκαρίσματος Πως να ξυρίζεστεΜόλις σταματήσετε να χρησιμοποιείτε την συσκευή ΚαθαρισμόςΟικολογία και δυνατότητα ανακύκλωσης του προϊόντος Рекомендации и меры безопасности Перезаряжаемая электробритва i-Shave Уважаемый покупательЕе в течение всего срока жизни прибора Рекомендации по электробезопасностиРекомендации по безопасности для жизни и здоровья Не допускай̆те излома и перегиба шнура электропитания30мА Не трогай̆те вилку электропитания мокрыми руками Зарядка через USB Техническое обслуживаниеКак бриться ЭксплуатацияКнопка блокировки После каждого использованияКак извлекать аккумуляторы из прибора Неисправности и способы их устраненияДля продуктов, изготавливаемых Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Descrierea Aparat de ras recargabil i-Shave Stimate clientSfaturi si avertizãri privind sigu- rant Siguranţa referitoare la componen- tele electriceUtilizare şi îngrijire Încărcarea bateriei Când este utilizat cu altăe baterieiÎncărcare USB Mod de utilizare Observaţii înainte de utilizareMod de utilizare UtilizareButon blocare Odată încheiată utilizarea apara- tuluiModul de extragere a bateriilor din interiorul aparatului Caracterul ecologic şi reciclabil al produsuluiОсновни части Зареждаща се машинка за подстригване Shave Уважаеми клиентиСъвети и предупреждения за безопасност На инструкциите може да доведе до злополукаИзползване и поддръжка Мокри ръце и крака, нито босиНякои зарядни устрой̆ствa СервизЗареждане през USB Зареждане на батериятаНачин на употреба Преди употреба на уреда Преди да свържете уредаKак да бръснете УпотребаБутон за блокиране След употреба на уредаКак да отстраним батериите от вътрешността на уреда Този символ означава, чеManual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912 Manual Shave 2.0.indb 18/07/11 1912