Braun 5680, 5580 manual Description see, Before starting off, How to epilate, Preparing your skin

Page 7

A Description (see page 4)

1a Massaging rollers clip

1b EfficiencyPro clip

2a Epilation head with X’pert-épil system

2b Starter epilation head

3Release buttons

4Switch with incorporated SmartLight

5Socket for cord connector

6Cord connector

712 V transformer plug

8Narrow epilation head

9Facial attachment

10Facial cleansing wipes

11Cooling application

(Gel pack (a), cooling glove (b))

B Before starting off

Preparing your skin

Your skin must be dry and free from grease or cream.

Optional skin cooling: For the first few epilations or if you have sensitive skin you can use the cooling application, recom- mended by dermatologists to help reduce possible skin irritation.

Ensure that the gel pack has been in the deep freezer (***) for at least 2 hours (for convenience you can store the gel pack in the freezer).

Insert the gel pack underneath the glove’s transparent foil. Use only with glove.

Put transparent (cool) side of the glove on your leg.

Start cooling for approx. 1/2 minute, longer if needed.

Epilate the cooled skin area immedi- ately as described in section «C».

Repeat cooling and epilating until completion.

While epilating, please ensure your skin is dry.

Important: Apply cooling glove to the same area for no longer than 2 minutes.

Keep away from sunlight. Do not use gel pack when damaged. Dispose of in household waste. Do not use if you are hypersensitive, allergic to the cold, or

if your skin suffers from sensory disturb- ances, when suffering from cardiac dis- eases or arterial circulatory disorders.

Preparing the appliance

Before starting off, thoroughly clean

the epilation head you want to use (B or b).

To remove the epilation head, press the release buttons 3 on the left and right and pull it off.

Click the desired head into place:

Choose the starter epilation head b if you are epilating for the first time or if you have very sensitive skin.

Once your skin is used to epilation,

you may switch to the standard epi- lation head B which allows a more efficient and faster epilation thanks to its greater number of tweezers.

Plug the cord connector 6 into the socket 5 and plug the transformer plug 7 into an electrical outlet.

C How to epilate

1Make sure one of the clips A or a is attached to the epilation head.

To turn on the appliance, slide switch 4to the «optimal» setting. For reduced speed, choose the «soft» setting. The SmartLight illuminates as long as the appliance is switched on.

2Rub your skin to lift short hairs. For optimum performance hold the appliance at a right angle (90°) against your skin. Guide it in a slow, continuous movement without pressure against the hair growth, in the direction of the switch.

As hair can grow in different directions, it may also be helpful to guide the


Image 7
Contents 5680 0800 783 70 Braun Infolines0212 473 75 11 a 10-15 sec English Some useful tips Preparing your skin How to epilateDescription see Before starting offFacial epilation Cleaning the epilation headsLeg epilation Underarm and bikini line epilationPolski Wskazówki Ostrze˝eniePrzygotowanie skóry Opis urzàdzeniaPrzed w∏àczeniem urzàdzenia Patrz stronaPrzygotowanie urzàdzenia DepilacjaDepilacja nóg Czyszczenie g∏owic depilatora Depilacja twarzyÂesk˘ Obecné informace o epilaci UpozornûníNûkolik uÏiteãn˘ch tipÛ Pfiíprava pokoÏky NeÏ zaãneteJak epilovat Popis viz stranaÂi‰tûní epilaãní hlavy Epilace nohouEpilace podpaÏí a linie bikin Epilace obliãejePage Slovensk˘ Obecné informácie o epilácii UpozornenieNiekoºko uÏitoãn˘ch tipov Príprava strojãeka Prv neÏ zaãnetePopis viì. strana Príprava pokoÏkyEpilácia tváre Ako epilovaÈEpilácia nôh Epilácia podpazu‰ia a línie bikínÂistenie epilaãnej hlavy Magyar Néhány hasznos tanács FigyelemBŒr elŒkészítése Használat elŒttHogyan epiláljunk? Termékleírás lásd 4 oldalHónalj és bikinivonal epilálás Lábak epilálásaArc epilálás Az epilálófej tisztítása Hrvatski Opçenito o epilaciji UpozorenjeNekoliko korisnih savjeta Pripremite koÏu Prije epilacijeEpilacija Opis vidi strEpilacija pazuha i bikini zone Epilacija noguUklanjanje dlaãica na licu Âi‰çenje epilacijskih glava Slovenski Nekaj koristnih nasvetov OpozoriloPriprava koÏe Pred priãetkom epilacijePostopek epilacije Opis glejte stranOdstranjevanje dlaãic na obrazu Epilacija nogÂi‰ãenje epilacijske glave Page Romana Câteva idei utile Pregåtiøi pielea Înainte de pornirePregåtirea aparatului Epilarea facialå Cum så ne epilåmEpilarea picioarelor Epilare la sub-braø µi în zona InghinalåCuråøirea capurilor de epilare Türkçe Faydal∂ notlar ÖnemliCihaz∂ haz∂rlamak için Baµlamadan ÖnceBacak epilasyonu Nas∂l epilasyon yapacaks∂n∂zYüz epilasyonu Epilasyon baµl∂klar∂n∂n temizlenmesi ÊÛÒÒÍËÈ ‡ÊÌÓ ÉÔËÒ‡ÌË ÒÏ. ÒÚ ÈÂ‰ ̇˜‡ÎÓÏ ˝ÔËÎflˆËËÈÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ‚‡¯ÂÈ Íóêë ÙÔËÎflˆËfl ÔÓ‰Ï˚¯Í‡ÏË Ë ÔÓ Îëìëë ·ËÍËÌË ‡Í ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸ ˝ÔËÎflˆË˛ÈÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ˝ÔËÎflÚÓ‡ ÙÔËÎflˆËfl ÌÓ„ÓËÒÚ͇ ˝ÔËÎËÛ˛˘Ëı „ÓÎÓ‚ÓÍ ÙÔËÎflˆËfl Îˈ‡ÌÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ ‡„‡Î¸Ì‡ ¥ÌÙÓχˆ¥fl ˘Ó‰Ó ÂÔ¥Îflˆ¥ª ‡ÊÎË‚Ó¥‰„ÓÚӂ͇ LJ¯Óª ¯Í¥Ë ÈÂ‰ ÔÓ˜‡ÚÍÓÏ ÂÔ¥Îflˆ¥ªÑÂflÍ¥ ÍÓËÒÌ¥ ÔÓ‡‰Ë ÉÔËÒ ‰Ë‚. ÒÚÓ¥‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ÂÔ¥ÎflÚÓ‡ ÜÍ Ó·ËÚË ÂÔ¥Îflˆ¥˛ÖÔ¥Îflˆ¥fl Ì¥„ ˜ËÒÚ͇ „ÓÎÓ‚ÓÍ ÂÔ¥ÎflÚÓ‡ ÖÔ¥Îflˆ¥fl ӷ΢˜fl‡„‡Î¸Ì¥ ÛÏÓ‚Ë Á·Â¥„‡ÌÌfl ÍÓ‚‡ ëÂÚËÙ¥ÍÓ‚‡ÌÓFor UK only GuaranteeWarunki gwarancji Záruka Âesk˘Jamstveni list GaranciaGarancija ‡‡ÌÚËÈÌ˚ ӷflÁ‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ÙËÏ˚ Garanøie‡‡ÌÚ¥ÈÌ¥ ÁÓ·Ó‚’flÁ‡ÌÌfl Ù¥ÏË Braun ËÎÛ˜‡Ë, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ „‡‡ÌÚËfl Ì ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌflÂÚÒfl‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ- χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏË Silk·épil X’elle Date of purchase