The key sound is on (see p.13).
This symbol appears at the bottom of the display whilethebacklightison.
Built-in help and other messages
The Organizer has a
Whenbuilt-inhelpis notavailable
How to use built-in Help
If you press [2nd] [HELP] from any application screen (excluding Clock), the HELP INDEX appears:
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To get Help, press the number corresponding to the menu option describing the kind of Help you want. Pressing [CANCEL]takesyoubackto thedisplayyouwereinpreviously. After selecting a number, the first page of help for correspondingtopicisdisplayed.
If you makea selectionfromthe abovemenu,the displaythat appearswillresemblethe followingexample:
In thistypeof display,pressing[NEXT]takesyouto thenext pageofthedisplay,pressing[PREV]takesyoutotheprevious page, and pressing [CANCEL] takes you back to the HELP INDEX menu.
Fromtimeto timeduringnormaloperation,theOrganizerwill display messages to guide you through necessary tasks. Many of these messageswill give you a choice of commands or ask youto confirmimportantoperations,whileotherswillsimply display informationfor you to read.In most cases,you must make a selection or simply acknowledge the message before continuing.
Other messages may display information briefly before disappearing.
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8/6/98, 4:04 PM