The To Do application
The To Do application is a valuable organizational tool to help you meet deadlines and to add structure and efficiency to your work that you set for yourself. This application allows you to organize and track task and objectives, assign them priorities. To help you in this task, entries are identified as TO BE DONE or DONE.
Making new entries
EntriesintheToDoapplicationcontainfivefields:Description, Due Date, Priority, Done indicator, and category. The category field, which you can define yourself and assign as you like, can be used to manage tasks according to project, the personnel involved in them, or any other groupings you wish todefine.
2.Press [NEW].
The To Do entry display opens.
3.Enter the description of the entry. Type MAKE COMPARISON CHART.
4.Skip the DUE DATE field and move to the PRIORITY field.
5.Type 1.
Assigning priority to entries
In the PRIORITY field you can enter a number (1 - 5), which then indicates the importance of a task or project.
Enter the following information:
6. Press [ENTER].
Description | Make comparison chart |
The entry is now stored.
1.Press [TO DO].
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