datawillnotbe lost.Whenyoupress[ON],theOrganizerwill returnto the sameoperatingstateas beforethe powerturned offautomatically.
Fromtimeto time,thecontrastof theLCDdisplaymayhaveto be adjustedforidealreadability.Youmayfind,forexample, thatacontrastsettingthatwasfineforthehomeorofficeisnot adequatewhenoutdoorsor whentravelingon publictransport. Follow the procedure below to adjust the LCD contrast.
1.Press [MENU] three times to open the TOOLS menu.
3.Adjustthecontrastby pressing[ ] and[
] or [PREV] and [NEXT].
4.Press [ENTER]when you aresatisfiedwith the contrast.
Turning the key beep on and off
The Organizer can be set to make a sound (a beep) each time a key is pressed. This may help you to know whether a key hasbeenpressedproperly.Thedefaultsettingison,indicated by a musical symbol on the bottom of the display. You can use the TOOLS menu to change the setting.
1. Press [MENU] three times to open the TOOLS menu.
2.Select KEY SOUND ON( indicates that the option is
currentlyset.) | 1 |
| |
The key beep is now turned off and the musical symbol |
disappearsfromthebottomlineof thedisplay. |
If you press [2nd][BACKLIGHT],the Backlightwillremainon for as long as you continue to use the Organizer, until you havenottypedanykeyforfifteenseconds.Thisisusefulifyou wanttoenteror accesssomeinformationthatwilltakelonger thanfifteenseconds.
The Backlight may remainon for lessthan fifteen secondsif thebatterylevelisverylow,orduringdatatransfer.
Note:Do notuse theBacklightunnecessarily.
*Since the Backlight drains power from the operating batteries,excessiveuseoftheBacklightwillsignificantly reduceyourbatterylife.
*Continuoususe of the Backlightwill,overtime, leadto graduallossofbrightness.
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8/6/98, 4:04 PM