Calculation examples | Conversion function | ||
| The Organizer can be used to perform conversions between | |
| different currencies and units of length, area, volume, mass, | |
| temperature and energy. There are 3 conversion index groups. | ||
| The first index group comprises eight currency conversion | |
| screens in which you can set and edit the exchange rates | |
| yourself. The other two index groups have preset conversion | |
| factors so conversion can be performed right away. | |
| Changing the currency rate | |
| 1. Press [CALC/CONV] twice until the Conversion index | |
| display appears. Select the desired item and press | |
| [ENTER] to confirm. |
For example, you want to set one Canadian dollar equal to
0.45 pounds Sterling:
2. Press [EDIT] in order to change the rate.