To quit the Calc application, simply change to any other application by pressing the corresponding key.
*To clear an entered value, press
*Calculations are performed in the order of entry, not according to algebraic operator precedence, ie., the calculation 8 + 2 x 3 is performed as: (8 + 2) x 3 not 8 + (2x3).Thisisjustasforaregularelectroniccalculator.
*An M shown on the display indicates that a value is stored in the calculator’s memory. Press
*Press [ ] or [BS] to erase the last digit typed.
*An E shown on the display indicates an error, usually an overflow error (when no more digits can be displayed). When this happens, the calculator will usually ignore any subsequent input until the error is cleared. press
*press [+/- ] to change the sign of a displayed value.
For further information on other calculator operations, see p.54.
When E appears
When any of the following situations occur, the error indicator E is displayed and calculations are suspended. Press
*The integer part of the calculation result is exceeds 12 digits (a rough calculation is obtained).
Example: | 4567890123 [x] 456 [=] |
| 2.08295789608 is displayed with E, |
which indicates that the rough result is : 2.08295789608 x 1012
(ie. 2,082,957,896,080)
*The integer part of the numerical value in the memory exceeds 12 digits.
*A number is divided by “0”.
Cost/Selling price/Markup and Cost/Selling
price/Margin calculations
The Calc application provides a useful function for making markup and margin calculations, based on figures that you supply via the keyboard. The way it works is simple: you enter two of the values that you already know for either the cost, selling price or markup/margin, and the calculator works out and displays the missing value. For example, if you enter the cost andthe sellingprice, it willtell you thepercentagemarkup or margin based on those two values. If you enter the selling price and the markup or margin, it will tell you the cost.