2.Enter your name, then press [ ] or [NEXT]. Thecursormovesto the NO. field.
3.Enter your number an example, tel number, mobile phone number,etc.Thenpress[ ] or [NEXT].Thecursormoves to the ADDRESS field.
*Press[ ] tomovethestartofthenextlineinADDRESS.
5.Press [ENTER] when done.
Press [ENTER] to proceed with setting up the Clock as described below (or [CANCEL] to quit the User Setup procedure).
In order for the Calendar,Schedule, To Do, and other time- basedapplicationsto
AfterenteringtheOwnerInformationabove,thefollowinglist ofcitiesappears:
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1.Ifthedesiredcitydoesnotappear,press[PREV]or[NEXT] todisplaymorecities.
*Youcanjumptoa particularcountrybypressingthefirst letterofthatcountry’sname.
2.Selectthedesiredcitybymovingthecursortoitandthen press [ENTER] to confirm. Or select numbers [1] - [4] directly.
The Daylight Saving Time screen appears.
3.IfyourcityiscurrentlyonDaylightSavingTime,press[Y], otherwisepress[N].
The ADJUST TIME/DATE window then appears.
4.Select the time system you want the Clock to use by pressing[ ] or[
] or[NEXT].
5.In the LOCALDATEfield,press [ ] to displaythe pop- up calendar.Use[PREV]and [NEXT]to selectthe current month,thenusethe arrow keysto selecttoday’sdate.
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8/6/98, 4:04 PM