Announcement Options
Before using this answering system, you can record an announcement (up to 3 minutes long) that callers will hear when the system answers a call. When you record your announcement, make sure you indicate who has been assigned each mailbox, and that callers should press 1 or 2 to access the appropriate mailbox.
For example,
“Hello. You’ve reached Meadowlark Nursery. To leave a message for Ms. Arbor, press 1. To leave a message for Mr. Cardinal, press 2. If you don’t have a touch tone phone, wait for the tone.”
You can record up to three different announcements — A, B, and AO. Announce- ments A and B are used when you want the system to record callers’ messages. Announcement AO (announcement only) is used when you want to give informa- tion to callers. (Some businesses use this announcement to advise callers of their hours of operation.) By selecting A, B or AO, you decide which announcement your callers will hear when the system answers a call.
If you choose not to record an announcement for A or B, the system answers with a prerecorded announcement: “Hello. Please leave a message after the tone.” The system does not have a prerecorded announcement for AO.
Selecting Your Announcement
1Press C. The Message Counter displays CH.
2Press uuntil you hear "Selected announcement is
3Use nor Nto move to the announcement option you want.
4Press S.
Recording Your Announcement
1If the announcement you want to record is the currently selected announcement (A, B, or AO) go to step 2.
If not, select the announcement by following Steps
2Press C.
3Press A.
4When the system prompts you, begin recording your announcement. Your announcement can be up to 3 minutes long. Speak in a normal tone of voice, about 9 inches from the microphone.
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