Commander Installation Guide
The Archipel card is a proprietary,
If Trilogy Communications has supplied a P.C., an Archipel download card will have been
In the configuration used with the Commander system, the Archipel card is not interrupt driven: it operates by writing to specified memory blocks. The base memory address is set on switch IN3: the default is150. Other options are shown in the diagram below. Any change to the hardware settings needs to be matched in the PathFinder software “settings” dialogue. See Section 3.3 for details.
The card has a number of jumper link settings and short ribbon cable assemblies that must be set and connected correctly. The card is illustrated below.
NOTE: Max download cable length is 20 metres using RS422 screened cable.
The connections given below are for the Desktop PC link. Cable is twin twisted pair, with overall screen.
PC D37 | Commander D9 |
| ||
Fixed Socket | Fixed Plug | Notes |
Pin | Pin |
2, 20 | 4, 8 | Pair 1. From PC |
5, 23 | 5, 9 | Pair 2. To PC |
(21) | 3 | Cable screen - not connected at PC. |
In some installations, communications problems have arisen from the PC and Commander not having a common earth reference. It is important to ensure that both the PC and Commander system have proper earth connections, or at least that the PC and Commander earths are connected together. Sometimes connecting the cable screen at the PC end of the cable can solve the problem.
Trilogy Communications Limited | Issue 9 | Page 63 of 81 |