Commander Installation Guide
Make any changes as required. Ensure that there are no system conflicts with other PC hardware by using the Windows Device Manager. Conflicts with other hardware such as sound cards and network cards may prevent the download adaptor from functioning correctly.. Any changes within PathFinder must be matched by changes to the adapter card itself.
Now select the final tab of this form, labelled “Remote Systems”. On installation, only one system is displayed, as shown below.
Since this version of PathFinder is “network ready”, details of all systems within the Commander “Network Domain” must be entered on this view. It is important to ensure that this information is matched on all systems within the domain. For a single “standalone” system, simply edit the details appropriately.
NOTE: The system size must be set to 382 (not 384) for a four frame system
and 574 (not 576) for a six frame system.
Make the necessary changes to the System settings, to match hardware and software parameters. Save the Settings, then close and
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