5. Communicating Within Your Office
To cancel Call Forwarding and DND for your extension in one step
1.Pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2.Enter the Cancel Call Forwarding - DND code (default = 7**).
To manually
1.Pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2.Dial the extension number.
3.After you hear a busy tone, enter the
4.Stay on the line until the called party answer.
•If call waiting is accepted, the busy tone changes to a ringing tone.
•You cannot send a call waiting message to an extension that has DND turned on.
To use Automatic Camp-on (Call Waiting)
Note: Automatic
1.Pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2.Dial the extension number. (The called party hears an alert tone and you hear ringback tone.)
3.Remain on the line until the called party answers.
To answer a Camp-on (Call Waiting) signal
Key Telephone User Guide | 51 |