Installation and Operator’s Manual | Page 34 of 63 |
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5.2Available Data
AURORA provides two sets of data that are accessed using AURORA interface software.
5.2.1Real time data
The real time operating data can be transmitted on request over the communication lines and is not recorded internally by the AURORA inverter. The AURORA interface software can be used to retrieve and store data on a PC computer. The following data is available:
Grid voltage Grid current Grid frequency
Power transferred to the grid Voltage of IN1
Current of IN1
Voltage of IN2
Current of IN2 Heatsink temperature Serial Number Part Number Manufacturing week Firmware revision code Energy produced so far in the day Leakage Current
5.2.2Internally Logged Data
AURORA stores internally the following data: Lifetime counter of grid connection time Lifetime counter of energy transferred to the grid
Energy transferred to the grid every 10 seconds for the last 8640 periods of 10 seconds (which on average cover more than 2 days logged data)
Partial counter of grid connection time (the counter start time can be reset by using the AURORA software)
Partial counter of energy (uses the same start time of the partial time counter) Last 100 fault conditions with error code and time stamp
Last 100 variations to the grid connection parameters with parameter code, new value.